What comes to your mind when you hear the word dentist? Exactly – toothache, drilling noises, unpleasant feelings, flight reflexes!
Many of us still have a great deal of respect for going to the dentist, even though today’s dentists are very different from their colleagues in the past.
Today’s modern dentists absolutely and primarily pay attention to the prevention and preservation of teeth. And they don’t really like drilling. And instead of pulling teeth, they’d rather keep them.
Prevention is therefore one of the most urgent concerns of the younger generation of dentists such as the ones from Dentist Phoenix. Read on to find out exactly what we mean when we talk about preventive care.
On the one hand, regular check-ups at the dentist are part of prevention. Anything that we can detect early enough has the very best chance of being cured. And in most cases, healing also means preserving all the teeth.
In second place are the treatment measures of dental prophylaxis. We can say with a clear conscience that with consistent professional prophylaxis, carried out by our specially trained staff at the Center for Dental Health, your teeth and gums will stay healthy for longer.
Combined with careful and correct home care, teeth and gums can stay healthy and attractive even for a lifetime.
But what hardly anyone knows and little is published in the media is that correct chewing and proper nutrition are extremely important for the teeth and the entire periodontium.
Why is that?
If the periodontium, by which we mean teeth, gums, jaw bones and jaw muscles as well as the tissue surrounding them, is not sufficiently stressed, it can regress or deform.
As in the rest of the body, regular and correct exercise ensures strength and health. According to the motto of the fitness studios: “What is not trained, withers away”.
And the natural stress on the teeth and jawbones is the chewing process. Proper, slow and thorough chewing.
Dentists therefore also advise against eating fast food meals, white bread and other heavily pre-processed foods. These foods should remain an exception on the menu, also for other nutritional reasons.
Because everything that relieves the jaw and the bones of work weakens them in the long run. Not to mention that the so-called convenience food is high in carbohydrates, which are the precursors to tooth decay and gingivitis.
So if you want to do something good for your teeth, eat high-quality, untreated food consisting of whole foods and high-fiber components. So jaws and teeth have something to do and stay strong and powerful.
Eating healthy teeth means avoiding sugar in food and drinks as much as possible. However, most of us fail to do this. However, you do not have to completely ban sugar or carbohydrates from your diet. Just follow two rules.
Rule 1: Snack at set times. Then as much as you want. And then it’s over. For the rest of the day.
Because the sugar only becomes harmful when it is constantly being replenished. In the form of white flour products, energy bars, soft drinks, fruit juices and other sweets.
This measure is particularly important for children’s teeth. Because the milk teeth are often exposed to sugar attacks for too long.
Rule 2: Then brush your teeth thoroughly. Use dental floss and/or interdental brushes to remove leftover food from between teeth.
ALSO READ: Understanding How Excessive Eating and Lack of Exercise Lead to Obesity
As mentioned above, eating whole foods such as whole grain bread and vegetables is also good for your teeth and gums.
These foods are high in fiber and high in fiber. Not only do such foods strengthen your teeth and jaw muscles, they also encourage you to produce more saliva.
This cleans the teeth during the chewing process and the food fibers also mechanically clean the teeth.
In addition, whole foods also contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements that have a positive effect on dental health. Vitamins E, vitamin C and calcium are important for healthy gums, vitamin D and fluoride are important for bones and teeth.
Fluoride in particular strengthens and hardens tooth enamel. Fluoride can be introduced into the body by consuming fish, fluoridated table salt or black tea, for example. Fluoride is also contained in toothpaste and mouthwash.
However, an overdose of fluoride has the opposite effect. This overdose can lead to white spots or tooth discoloration. In the further course, the tooth is more susceptible to caries in the damaged areas.
Anyone who makes sure that they have an adequate supply of fluoride with the right foods does not need additional fluoride tablets. Another very tooth-healthy food is cheese. The minerals and proteins it contains help the enamel to remineralize very quickly.
It is best to ask your dentist whether you need fluoride supplements in addition to your hopefully balanced diet.
Teeth also suffer particularly from acid attacks. Tooth enamel is attacked by acidic foods, even though it is one of the hardest endogenous materials.
It is highly recommended to wait at least ten minutes before brushing your teeth after consuming acidic food or drink. This is because mechanical cleaning puts additional strain on the tooth enamel. An alternative is dental care chewing gum.
A piece of cheese or a little milk can also help to neutralize the acid faster.
So you can see that with a little mindfulness you can do a lot for the health of your teeth. Of course, we are happy to support you in this – ask us for suggestions and assistance.